Okay so i know i'm going off the Endless Online side of things but who cares right? Anywho, any of you Guitar/Bass/Drums ANYTHING Basically along those lines i've got sites you should visit
Guitarists: http://ultimate-guitar.com/ (Guitar and Bass)
Bassists: http://ultimate-guitar.com/
I play guitar and bass i've got a pic of my guitar but not my bass yet(Sadly)
Anywho, Hope those sites were helpful to ya
Oct 29, 2007
Oct 26, 2007
Something that is rarely seen and talked about on endless these days with all the scamming and ignorant people playing, is the fact that there are still some people out there doing good things and actually helpping Endless in a positive way.
A few days ago (while i was offline), a friend of mine tryed to sell his account, and without myself being online he had to find a middle man to conduct the trade, I'm not sure of the details of the trade or how it happened but the guy ended up with the account without paying his end of the trade. My friend (who will remain nameless)thought forsure he was set-up and that he would never see his account again, after explaining to me what had happened, I simply PM'ed the guy in-game and asked for the account back, the guy then explained to me that he was sorry and that he was willing to give the account back, and with that being said the account was returned to the owner. This act even surprized me because I would have assumed that the majority of people in this situation would have told me to go fuck myself and then kept the account for themselves, i guess i was wrong.
Either way it's good to see a few honest people still enjoying Endless online, and with all the bad things being brought out into the light and talked about, We need to focus more on the good things that are happening.
Thanks for your time ..... TONEDEFF
A few days ago (while i was offline), a friend of mine tryed to sell his account, and without myself being online he had to find a middle man to conduct the trade, I'm not sure of the details of the trade or how it happened but the guy ended up with the account without paying his end of the trade. My friend (who will remain nameless)thought forsure he was set-up and that he would never see his account again, after explaining to me what had happened, I simply PM'ed the guy in-game and asked for the account back, the guy then explained to me that he was sorry and that he was willing to give the account back, and with that being said the account was returned to the owner. This act even surprized me because I would have assumed that the majority of people in this situation would have told me to go fuck myself and then kept the account for themselves, i guess i was wrong.
Either way it's good to see a few honest people still enjoying Endless online, and with all the bad things being brought out into the light and talked about, We need to focus more on the good things that are happening.
Thanks for your time ..... TONEDEFF
Oct 20, 2007
Excuse my absence.
Hey fellow guildies <3. Hope everything is running great. I would just like to let you all know that I am very sorry for not being able to log into EO. I've been real busy and I just wasn't able to find anytime to log into EO. Do not worry though, for I am alright. Hope Tonedeff and Pikk are doing a good job on running TRL. Thanks and I hope on seeing you ingame.
Oct 12, 2007
Main Server is down!
Yeah thats right after a long while of being up looks like the server is down once again. And scince i'm not a Test player i can't get on so i'll just have to waait a day or so untill its back up again
Oct 11, 2007

Okay TRL wants to help all you Endless Online players by letting you know how to get to Admin Beach or the Fire void
Okay so here is the link for Admin beach. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfHn67vLPn8
And here is the link for the Fire void. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dbo8jB-gLk
Heres a guide
Walk 12 steps up, be careful. Your will see your screen blink, you just warped...walk all the way down until you cant go down any morewalk all the way to your right until you cant walk any morefrom here choose where you want to go:
Go to the Fire Void:walk left 1 step (or, same thing, go back one step)
walk all the way down until u cant go down any more
walk 4 steps to your leftfind the way walkin down
soon you will teleport.
Go to the beach void:
walk up 1 stepwalk all the way leftwalk down one stepwalk down 2 steps
and right 2 stepswalk right 2 step, and up 2 stepswalk up 2 steps
and left 2 stepswalk left 2 steps
and down 2 steps
you will teleport and get to the beach void
.**You can teleport to PUB's baseman by finding a way to the left on the beach (use your map), and then using the blue square with the 0101011 that is up. Once you teleport walk:3 steps up, 2 steps right1 step left and one step down.
Logo Designers
Hi everyone, This is Tonedeff (EO name) aka 20/20 Vision (rap name)
and I'm looking for a few people who have some graphic art skills(digital or whatever), to design logos (more info once you reply)
So if you think you might have what it takes you can contact me:
1. Thru this blog
2. PM me in-game
3. Or register with our TRL forums (only in-game name is to be used)and contact me there
Thanks alot and i hope to see some replies
and I'm looking for a few people who have some graphic art skills(digital or whatever), to design logos (more info once you reply)
So if you think you might have what it takes you can contact me:
1. Thru this blog
2. PM me in-game
3. Or register with our TRL forums (only in-game name is to be used)and contact me there
Thanks alot and i hope to see some replies
Oct 6, 2007
20/20 VISION
Oct 3, 2007
Fake admin event
Today there was a fake admin event. There were no admins involved and two people got a crowd. Of atleast, 100-110 players. To come too this ''event''. The two people who started this rumour was. Sakumaru and Approval. First they said come to aeven stage. So everyone came. Then they said heal everyone in this room. So they did, then. They made everyone say ''ADMINS COME'' many people said in caps, few said with exclamation marks. Yet, after the humiliating process. They said come to the jail. And around 50 players did. I got sick of the ''event'' and that's all I know.
All I can say is...
Shame on you Sakumaru and Approval
All I can say is...
Shame on you Sakumaru and Approval
The new author
Yeah, it's me. Mikethefor, I'll be writing things for the blog. So whenever you're bored. Just come and check out the TRL blog or forums. (Must be a member to look at the forums)
~Ciao`' :]
~Ciao`' :]
So alot of people have been asking what's the deal with wickedfrost these days,
I've only come to know wickedfrost as of lately (2 months probably), so i'm not really
sure about what this guy use to be like and I don't know much about him except that
everytime the words "Light Guide" come up this guys name gets mentioned, I would
really like someone to tell me why this guy should even be considered as a "Light Guide".
What I've seen from this guy in the past week or so Isn't a person deserving of this title,
first of all him coming out of nowhere and accusing Itsta of being a scammer was totally
asinine and only made wicked look bad, Myself personally have done business with Itsta
and have had no problems trading with him (whether you think trading for real money
is right or not is besides the point), I've never heard of Itsta scamming anyone in my
2 years of endless online,
What the hell wicked! Use you head before you click post, this man told some random kid
on his blog that he should go slice his wrists ..... Use your fucking head, you don't know this kid,
you don't know what his life might be like, you don't know if that kid really might go do what you told him to do wickedfrost,
and don't worry cause everything I (tonedeff) have said here, I also said to him pixel to pixel (LOL) in game
This is the guy you people want as "Light Guide", I suggest you think again!!!!
Note to Nezlo : This has nothing to do with PX or TRL, infact for those that don't know PX and TRL are guild allies. =D
I've only come to know wickedfrost as of lately (2 months probably), so i'm not really
sure about what this guy use to be like and I don't know much about him except that
everytime the words "Light Guide" come up this guys name gets mentioned, I would
really like someone to tell me why this guy should even be considered as a "Light Guide".
What I've seen from this guy in the past week or so Isn't a person deserving of this title,
first of all him coming out of nowhere and accusing Itsta of being a scammer was totally
asinine and only made wicked look bad, Myself personally have done business with Itsta
and have had no problems trading with him (whether you think trading for real money
is right or not is besides the point), I've never heard of Itsta scamming anyone in my
2 years of endless online,
What the hell wicked! Use you head before you click post, this man told some random kid
on his blog that he should go slice his wrists ..... Use your fucking head, you don't know this kid,
you don't know what his life might be like, you don't know if that kid really might go do what you told him to do wickedfrost,
and don't worry cause everything I (tonedeff) have said here, I also said to him pixel to pixel (LOL) in game
This is the guy you people want as "Light Guide", I suggest you think again!!!!
Note to Nezlo : This has nothing to do with PX or TRL, infact for those that don't know PX and TRL are guild allies. =D
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