Sep 17, 2007

How TRL is running as of now.

Hey guys, Mar here. Just like to say thank you for visiting our site.

Okay so, when Tonedeff and I created this guild, we had a massive headstart with 16 people already joining. By the minutes, Tonedeff kept on recruiting some old friends of his and some old KOL members.

Right now, the guild is tremendous. The Guild Chat is always talking and there is always an average of 11 players online. W treat eachother with respect, unless actions must be taken, but mainly, we all get along.

Thank you, and enjoy your stay in TRL.


Nez said...

Too bad you all some cheaters in the guild, Yes i have seen it with my own eyes, Most of them were in PX and got kicked for ssing and whatnot, Good luck with them :/

Otherwise i get along with most of TRL so thats a good thing :)

Anonymous said...

Nezlo why dont u tell tone the ssers and cheaters in TRL so then we know