today i did a one on one interview with EO’s top level player medusa, i wanted to give medusa a chance to speak about herself and endless online, i would imagine that it isn’t easy being medusa, so next time think twice about what you say about someone
with that being said here it is :
Tonedeff: 1. How did you discover endless ?
Medusa: my brother (Critias)
Tonedeff: 2. what version did you start playing endless?
Medusa: v12
Tonedeff: 3. why did u decide the name Medusa?
Medusa: i enjoy greek mythology, and i had just finished watching Clash of the Titans
Tonedeff: 4. what do you like best about the new version?
Medusa: level restricted areas, dragons you have to be level 15 to enter
Tonedeff: 5. tell us a little about your new guild?
Medusa: basically the new guild (FYA) is a extension on how i feel, haviing to sell ctt cause members were being harrassed, and its not ment for people who like me and respect me, it’s ment for all the people who harrass and annoy me
Tonedeff: 6. whats it like being level 68 and the top level player on endless?
Medusa: it’s hell people harrass me, talk shit about me, pm me every 5 seconds begging for money from moment i log on till moment i log off
Tonedeff: 7. Besides endless tell us a few things you like to do?
Medusa: clubbing, going to the beach, spending time with family and friends
Tonedeff: 8. who do u look up to in endless? and why?
Medusa: there are people i respect i dont look up to them
Tonedeff: who do you respect most then
Medusa: amytheevil and blueluna , cause they are true friends they have known me for a long time
Tonedeff: 9. if you only had to choose one person, who would ur best friend on endless be ?
Medusa: Amytheevil
Tonedeff: 10. is there anything you’d like to say to the people of eo?
Medusa: try to respect each other as you would like to be respected, cause there are real people behind the characters, and we all do have feelings, and want to be shown not only respect but to be curtious to each other
Tonedeff: thank you for your time medusa